Jan 25, 2009

Nostalgia part I

(Click on pictures above for larger view!)
Every once in awhile...I find myself consumed with nostalgia.  Perhaps consumed is to strong a word.  More like a wave washes over me and stays there for a few hours, maybe a day.  It can be about many things.  I may be young, but sometimes I feel like I've lived a zillion lifetimes.  Sometimes I miss NYC.  Sometimes I think fondly of high school.  I smile to myself remembering days of community theatre and how simple everything was while I was longing for the real thing! I looked through old pictures tonight and decided to scan a few from my senior year of high school! I'm gonna post old pics from time to time to give you a glimpse into my "past lives"! The pics are (from top going down) from a play, going to a banquet, another play, a prom, and on my way to go on a date to the ballet.  



  1. You look so cute on all of them but my fav was the prom date!, sometime we miss the simple things in our lifes but we need to continue for knowledge and other things!; that happens to me, but sometimes i look around me and i see what i becaume and i admire what i was.

    A.K.A Divahoney xoxo for you too

  2. Lovely. You look so much the same now as you did then.
