Jan 4, 2009


Apparently I am #668 as far as my ranking for how "famous" I am on the internet.
I was sent this link this morning. Haven't had much time to figure out the site, but it looks fun.
Go sign up & leave me some interweb love if you feel so inclined on this lazy sunday.


I woke up at 1pm today. I'm beat. I finally feel like I am on "Christmas break" (better late than never),
since I have had exactly
one week of down time.
It was
so overdue. And it's almost at an end now anyway!
Sigh. Sometimes it's nice to relax and let
others do the entertaining!


Deena Marie Manzanares


  1. WOOW, that is fantastic !
    Considering the millions out there ...

    Congratulations !

  2. How does entertainment system rank you?
