Jan 13, 2009

I'm NOT anorexic!

<--- gimmie a break... 
clearly i do not look like this!
Let's talk about the comments/messages that I get far too frequently asking me if I have an eating disorder, telling me they hope I don't die yes, die from my 'eating disorder'...and my favorite and the most common "eat some food, or eat a sandwich" and other variations.  You get the idea.  This stuff is also said to (usually about rather than to my face) me in real life.  

Ok.  I'm not gonna pull an obnoxious whoa is me and say I wish I wasn't skinny.  I like being thin.  I like my body the way it is.  I don't think it's perfect.  Just like everyone else there are days I feel I look great, days I feel far from it.  We all have things we'd like to change.  But we should all love and accept what we are and treat our bodies well.  Now, with that said. 

I. Have. A. Fast. Metabolism.  Get over it! I eat like any regular person.  Sometimes I have healthy food, sometimes I don't.  I love carbs, I eat more carbs than not.  I have a weakness for chocolate & if I want some, I eat it.  It's not a big deal.  One day I want pizza, the next maybe salad...and everything in between. I am normal. I am healthy. 

This is me and this is what I look like. 

What bothers me about these comments, is it's so ignorant.  People can't be naturally skinny?! Give me a break.  The topics of Eating disorders/body image is so sensitive.  I have seen it firsthand and know how damaging it can be to those who suffer from it.  It's a disease! It's a mental illness!  To peg me with that when that's not the case when I have young female viewers (and anyone else) reading my comments, is really really irresponsible...and that's why I am so adamant on this topic.  I don't look unhealthy.  I don't look like I'm suffering from malnutrition.  There are people who do (and it's extremely serious and dangerous) and  let's be real, of course I'm not, good lord. 

I don't change much. I had a performance where I sang at a jazz club at christmas time and the dress I wore that night was one I last wore when I was 17 years old.  I am small.  I do wear a size 0.  That's ok! It's natural for me (not unnatural for me).  It's just how my body and metabolism are.  Maybe as I get older it will change, I don't know.  

Because I am small, every bit of weight shows up a lot, or not.  Last year at this time I had a surgery and  naturally lost a bit of weight while knocked out on my medicine for 4 days.  It was probably only 3 or 4 pounds but that was a lot on my frame and holy jesus, were the comments/assumptions coming at me! 

There's nothing more annoying, uneducated or potentially damaging as "eat some food".  You're making assumptions without knowing or asking any of the facts.  No matter what a woman, or person, looks like...what makes you think it's ok to randomly comment on their body or appearance? It's rude, it's stupid and it's none of your business.  

I'm perfectly happy the way I am.  Like I said, we all should be.  This is the only physical body we have to take us through life.  There is a lot I want to do in this world & if I was starving to death I wouldn't have the energy to do it.  

Deena Marie Manzanares 


  1. "...when I have young female viewers..."
    true dat;] & you're absolutely right~ some people are just naturally small!
    lately, i've been trying to eat *better*, not starve myself, but *better*. but i hate how all my friends are always like 'god, i need to lose weight. i'm so freaking fat!' when they only weigh 90lbs and they're in 8th grade! i'm like holy shizzznit, dat crazyy. =\

  2. As someone who suffered from Anorexia in various degrees for 12 years, it's plainly obvious to me that you are not anorexic. When I say plainly obviously, I do not mean in an appearance sense, (anorexics lose weight quickly, gain steadily and lose again, I don't recall you changing physically at all in all the time I've watched you), but by your disposition, there is not a hells chance you could be anorexic and be that bubbly and energetic ffs!

    Having been there, I would guess that a lot of the comments are either from young girls who want a glamorous role model and unfortunately a lot of them see anorexia as glamorous, or ignorant uneducated older people.

    Or.... they could all just be from dumb ass bitchy jealous whores. Yeah, I'll go with that one!

    Enjoy your coffee with your parents.

    Love Jilly xxx

  3. PREACH IT! Good blog Deena. You're right, it is very rude. Of course, I get the opposite comments but they are rude comments nonetheless. It amazes me what people say and do sometimes. I always thought it was rude for people to say things like "eat a sandwich" or "put some meat on your bones!" to a thin person but because being thin is the "ideal" for our culture, those types of comments are socially acceptable – but they're not! It is just as rude as the types of comments people make to people who are heavier than the ideal. It is not okay to talk like that to people! Period. I love the way you express yourself! You're awesome!

  4. Well articulated, Deena. So glad to see you can express your disdain for such unfounded remarks so intelligibley. I didn't think you were anorexic and wouldn't mind being your size. I'm not and unless I become anorexic myself I probably never will be and that's okay. And to clarify, I say I should become anorexic because for me to become so thin with my body natural body frame that is most likely what it would take. I am happy with who I am and what I look like. I, too, have my own insecurities, but I can live with them... and can even work on most of them.

    You are mahvelous, dahlink... simply mahvelous.

  5. good for you, girl! you tell em! what some people fail to realize is, everybody is built differently. and what would people say if you DID gain 30 pounds?? "lay off the cookies" or something else damaging. some frames just aren't meant to carry the much weight, as other frames are meant to actually carry more weight. but you said it best- it's pure ignorance. if we all looked the same, life would be boring. i like my body just the way it is- regardless of what size i am this month! and good for you for feeling the same way about yours!

  6. I got the same lecture ("You need to eat more!") for a long time when I was in college--every time I had a costume fitting, it was accompanied by such declarations.

    Then I had lunch with the costume shop crew one afternoon. When they saw how much I DID eat, the commentary stopped, abruptly. I still fit in the same size clothes I did halfway through high school (the pants might be just a little snug, I don't know...don't have any of them left to try on!) but I know exactly what you mean! It's not just women that get that treatment...

  7. well said. I am SO behind on your blogs. I forget.
    Anyway - I have commented on your being so thin, but I have never been rude - I hope that I am not one of 'those people'. I think you look lovely!

    I used to look like you, but between the thyroid problems, having a child and my metabolism just finally slowing down, I changed.

    Weare each who we are. ♥
