Dec 24, 2012

What's in a name?

This blog has grown and evolved over the years and a new name was needed.
BeanerLarue is no longer the title for this place...

Everything that has come before remains.
Thank you for being here for the ride so far!
Let's see where the future takes these words.

New mediums are planned for my words in the new year...
each moment has been a stepping stone for me to realize
that at my core I've always been and always will be...

a Shapeshifting Poet.

I will sing my words, dance them, act them, write them, speak them.
I will continue to give them to you, in all my forms.

I was once called a Walking Poem.  
Needless to say, no compliment or description of me ever has 
or ever could match that.

Deena Marie

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